Erradicar brechas de bisagra de tráileres con el nuevo Blue Giant HingeMaster™

Blue Giant se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de la HingeMaster ™, una solución de refugio de muelle / andén de vanguardia que sella los huecos de las bisagras en los tráileres de estilo granero al tiempo que permite un acceso completo y sin restricciones al interior del tráiler.

Cuando las puertas de estilo granero del tráiler están abiertas, los huecos resultantes entre la puerta y el tráiler crean el equivalente de un agujero de 2 1/2 pies cuadrados en la pared del edificio. El diseño de HingeMaster™, con sus ganchos de polipropileno J, cierren los lados del remolque, cierren las brechas de la bisagra y mantiene un sellado ajustado permitiendo acceso completo sin restricciones a la parte posterior del remolque.
“The HingeMaster™ is specially designed to maintain high energy efficiency standards” says Jeff Miller, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Blue Giant. “The polypropylene J-Hooks support a consistent top-to-bottom seal without interfering with loading and unloading of trailers."

When an incoming trailer backs into the loading dock, the HingeMaster™ J-hooks automatically latch onto the sides of the trailer and close off the hinge gaps. This superior sealing ability ensures compatibility with facilities requiring strict climate control and / or high cleanliness levels, such as food, beverage, and pharmaceuticals storage. Because the resulting seal does not obstruct forklifts, the HingeMaster™ is also a solution for bottling plants, automotive facilities, and other applications requiring full access to the trailer.

The HingeMaster™ structural efficiencies include:
  • Foam side frames that can withstand impact, avoiding damage from misaligned trailers
  • High-visibility yellow guide stripes that make accurate trailer placement easier
  • A raked head frame that diverts rainwater away from the loading dock floor

“A lot of managers have a hard time deciding if they want a dock shelter or dock seal,” says Dave Mueller, Blue Giant Director of Business Development, Seals and Aftermarket. “Conventional dock seals close off hinge gaps but don’t support full access, while shelters provide full access but don’t seal hinge gaps. With the HingeMaster™ you get the best of both options: a tight seal with full trailer access.”
